Flac to MP3

August 26th, 2007

I have been ripping my CD’s to FLAC format for some time now. I use FLAC because it is a lossless compression format. But the Sansa Express doesn’t support FLAC. What to do?

I use foobar2000 as a player of FLAC media. Well, come to find out, it can be used to convert FLAC to MP3. Using lame with foobar2000, it is very easy. I first load the FLAC files into foobar2000. It is convenient to load up a directory of files. I use a format of “[artist]/[album]/[track] [song].flac“. This makes it easy to load an album at a time into foobar2000. I select all of the files in foobar2000, right click, select “Convert >”, “Convert to Same Directory”. A status dialog opens up showing the conversion process. When done, it has created “[artist]/[album]/[track] [song].mp3“.

Now I have files to download. This was one of the selling points of the Sansa Express. You just plug it into a USB port. The computer recognizes it as an external drive. I then drag the MP3 files from my hard drive to the Sansa Express. That’s it!

SanDisk Sansa Express

August 25th, 2007

SanDisk Sansa ExpressI just purchased a SanDisk Sansa Express.

I purchased it because it was small, charged via USB, and had a radio. I was looking for a player that I could listen to while I run. (I also bought a Digital Lifestyle Outfitters Action Jacket, which is an arm band and neoprene case for the Sansa Express.)

I have to get it loaded with music for my morning run on Monday. I will have to provide an update afterwards. I suspect that I may have to invest in some sports earphones instead of the ear buds provided.

Project “littles3” launched

July 21st, 2007

I have launched a project, “littles3“, on Google Code. This project is a Java web application which provides a storage service based on the Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) API.

So far, I have implemented a StorageEngine which stores content to the local file system. It currently does the basic storage function outlined in the S3 api. What isn’t implemented yet?

  1. ACL
  2. Custom metadata

Why am I doing this? I think that Amazon S3 is a pretty neat thing. It provides hosted storage at a very reasonable rate. But there may be times when you want to store your data locally but still use the Amazon S3 API. This server will do that.

Our Chicago “Get-away”

July 2nd, 2007

Nancy and I took a long week-end, during the week, to Chicago. We drove over on Tuesday, June 5, 2007 and returned home on Friday, June 8, 2007. I have put a write-up on TripWiser.

Opossum sighting this morning

July 2nd, 2007

This morning on my morning run, I saw a juvenile opossum. It was very near the northern sidewalk of 42nd Street in Cedar Rapids, by the park next to Twin Pines golf course. [map] It was just out, looking about. I didn’t see an adult nearby. It was very cute and looked very soft and fluffy. The babies seem to be out in our neighborhood. Last evening, around 7:00pm, the kids and I were returning from renting a movie and we saw a doe and two fawns run across 42nd Street west of Emerson.


June 30th, 2007

I just returned from watching Ratatouille. I LOVED IT! I will have to see this again, it was so good. (Also, I got to wrestle my one-year-old during the first three-quarters of the movie, she was tired but didn’t want to succumb to the sleep.) I went with Nancy, Sydney, and Adelaide. (Nancy worked evenings so she could go with us during the afternoon.) The animation was so amazing. The character models, especially the humans, is very convincing, even though they are stylized. The voice actors fit the character acting so well. And the Paris scenery is breathtaking. I have never been to Paris, but I believe that they must have captured the look of the “City of Lights” in this film. And, being a foodie, a foodie that prefers French food the best, who likes France in Epcot World Showcase the best, the food in the film made my mouth water. I found it interesting that the soup that Remy creates is the first dish that gets him noticed. I have wanted to learn more soup recipes and have been trying to make more good soup. I would definitely like Remy’s soup. I was following along as the rat created his delicious soup – the ingredients used and techniques – they were exactly how it would be done in real life. And while I am writing this post, I have the Disney Ratatouille sit e up in another browser tab which is playing some of the music from the show – it has a nice French flair to it. I will have to get the soundtrack.

So, over all, I thoroughly enjoyed it. (And once you see it, you will understand why I feel a bit strange “reviewing” the movie. I am definitely not a professional critic, by any means though.)


Morning run

May 29th, 2007

I have started a morning run. Since I have completed a 4 runs, I figure that I can write about it now. (I was afraid that I would do it once and then quit.) I have run the Disney Half-Marathon for 4 years now; 2008 will be my fifth year. I really didn’t do a whole lot of running in preparation for the half-marathons (13.1 US miles). (This really made Nancy upset-more from the fact that I was able to do it. She wasn’t afraid that I would get hurt.) I have put together my typical route so far using http://www.gmap-pedometer.com/.

We’ll see how long I keep this up. I started in late spring so that I could get used to running in milder weather. I am not too worried about the hotter summer weather. What I am worried about is winter. We get snow and ice in Iowa winters; I anticipate this to be my challenge.

X10 API source code

May 29th, 2007

Many years ago, I created an API for interacting with the home automation technology called X10. The API interfaced with power line modules via a serial interface. I haven’t done anything with the X10 home automation API that I created a couple years ago. I have gotten a bit sidetracked by fatherhood. 🙂

You can find the source code here. If you do try to compile this, you may get an error about a missing class. This isn’t important; you can whack away the reference and compile again. (Not very helpful, I know, but if I get more time, I may update this with some more information.)

Shrek the Third

May 20th, 2007

I haven’t updated in a pretty long time. (I have been working on a Google Spreadsheet-based post. It’s a long one though.) I just got back from taking the girls to Shrek the Third.

Overall, I didn’t like it too much. It didn’t seem to have a very compelling story. (I may be biased – HUGE Disney fan here…) I liked Meet the Robinsons much better. The story seemed to be a bit predictable too.  The princesses were my favorite parts.

Again, my bias may be showing in that I liked the princesses the best. I had a princess sitting right next to me. Sydney got to bring a treat to preschool on Tuesday, since her birthday is in the summer when they aren’t in school. Nancy bought her a “Dancing Princesses” tiara. Sydney has been wearing it everywhere since. She wore it to church this morning. She wore it the movie.

The other cute thing, yeah, it wasn’t in the movie, was watching Adelaide. She was stretched out on my lap, laying with her head in the crook of my arm, her sandals bouncing on my knee. The bag of popcorn was right within arms length. She just relaxed, dropped her hand into the popcorn, grabbed a big handful, and brought it to her mouth. She would then go back for more – not looking, just reach out and grab a handful of popcorn.

This did relate a bit to the movie, as Shrek and Fiona become parents. It did make me smile as Shrek and Fiona played with and cared for the babies. But, overall, the movie wasn’t too good, but the girls had a good time – so it was worth it. 🙂

2007 Cedar Rapids Downtown Farmers’ Market Google Calendar

April 21st, 2007

I have created a public Google Calendar for the Cedar Rapids 2007 Downtown Farmer’s Market. This link will allow you to add the calendar to your Google Calendar.

I have never been to the market. There were many good reviews about it last year. I look forward to going this year. The market is the first Saturday of the month from June through October (June 2, July 7, August 4, September 1 and October 6) in downtown Cedar Rapids. The market is held from 7:30am to 12:00pm.