
This is my personal blog. It will contain many different kinds posts. My interests are mostly: computer programming (Java, php, web stuff), aviation (I’m a pilot, but not current), finance (like investing and saving), and personal family life.

I can be reach at: jesse [at] jpeterson [dot] com

(Humans: replace the slightly obscured email address as appropriate. Spam harvesters: nothing to see here; move along.)

3 Responses to “About”

  1. […] The eBay sale ended with no bids. So, I still have the pen set. If anyone wants it, feel free to contact me directly and we can work out […]

  2. Ghislain MAMAT says:


    I want to integrate the cassandra-fs project (https://github.com/zjffdu/cassandra-fs) as implementation of littleS3 file system.

    I propose to implement dao interfaces: s3ObjectDao and bucketDao with cassandra-fs CassandraFileSystem component(https://github.com/zjffdu/cassandra-fs/blob/master/src/java/org/apache/cassandra/contrib/fs/CassandraFileSystem.java).

    What do you think? Have you a better way to do it?

    Thank you to answer me.



  3. This proposal sounds good.

    Just so you are aware, I have not been maintaining littleS3. But you can use it as-is if you find it helpful.

    – Jesse

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